The Plesk-Wordpress Jail is not configured optimal for banning all attacks to your wordpress Sites. So I have optimized the filter and jail.
In Plesk Gui go to Tools & Settings and in Section Security to IP Address Banning (Fail2Ban):
Then open Jails and Manage Filters:
open the Jail Filter plesk-wordpress and change the content to:
failregex = ^<HOST>.* "POST .*(wp-login.php|xmlrpc.php)([/\?#\\].*)? HTTP/.*" 200|401
ignoreregex =
like this and save settings with OK:
Now open the jail plesk-wordpress and change Settings:
add the following into action:
iptables-multiport[name="plesk-wordpress", port="http,https,7080,7081"]
and this into the field for logpath:
then click OK.
Now the WordPress-Jail is optimized to ban all attacks on wp-login and xmlrpc.
Picture of Elchinator on Pixabay