How to install Nextcloud Hub 22 on Ubuntu 20.04 with postgreSQL 13 php8.0-fpm Apache2 and HTTP/2
Nextcloud Hub 22 was released and we want to install it on a new clean VPS If you want to know what has changed, read the ChangeLog You can find […]
Nextcloud Hub 22 was released and we want to install it on a new clean VPS If you want to know what has changed, read the ChangeLog You can find […]
What is Mastodon? Mastodon is a microblogging platform akin to others you may have seen, such as Twitter, but instead of being centralised it is a federated network which operates […]
Nextcloud 21 (NextcloudHub) was released and we want to install it on a new clean VPS If you want to know what has changed, read the ChangeLog If you are […]
Since Nextcloud has released the High Performance Backend as OpenSource under AGPL License, i tried my luck to install it on Ubuntu without docker, but many people had problems or […]
Nextcloud 20 (NextcloudHub) wurde veröffentlicht und es gibt viele Neuerungen. Oliver Pifferi hat hier eine schöne Zusammenfassung, auch über die Nextcloud Konferenz, geschrieben. Verweisen möchte ich auch auf das aktuelle […]
Picture from Alexandra_Koch on Pixabay Changes 18.11.2020: – Adjust server.conf because typo has changed – Adjust signaling.service and janus.service because they does not start after reboot Changes 22.11.2020: – Adjust […]
Nextcloud 18 (NextcloudHub) was released and there are many new News about it: see the ChangeLog But now let us install the new NextcloudHub with postreSQL and php7.4-fpm on Debian […]
Last week I published how to Install Nextcloud 17 with MariaDB as Database-Backend, but I believe using postgreSQL is a good alternative. Well, here is how to use it. Requirements: […]